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About us?.
We are dedicated to the manufacture of miniatures in exact scales, cut with laser technology in last generation pantographs on our own 3D designs, the pieces are finished by hand with emphasis on every detail and painted in a paint booth, all this, added to our extensive experience in the hobby, allows us to obtain a very high quality product with finishing details superior to many other European brands.
In addition to the special care in details and finishes plus rigorous quality control, all our products are vacuum packed to preserve the unalterable pieces until the hands of the fan.

Model railway, scale models, miniatures, original parts cut with Laser.
hobby: Activity or occupation that is carried out merely for pleasure during free time.
synonyms: hobby, pastime
Borrowing from English hobby, elision of hobby (horse) 'little (horse)', which initially designated a toy horse for children and hence 'pastime' in general.